Kindness in the Classroom
Kindness in the Classroom
Posted February 2019
Research shows that even very young children have innate tendencies to be kind and that the joy from being kind boosts levels of happiness. Even though kindness is an innate quality, it needs to be fostered, modelled and practiced. How can you foster kindness in your classroom? Join us to learn why kindness is important and how it can be supported through things such as teacher modelling, classroom routines, and project-based learning. Research shows that joy from being kind boosts levels of happiness. Learn why kindness is important and how you can foster it in the classroom.
At the end of this module you will be able to:
- Understand the concept of kindness and how it supports learning and health.
- Reflect on how to use practical classroom examples and evidence based resources for modeling, practicing and teaching the concept of kindness.
- Understand the importance of self-care and have practical examples and tools to plan and activate your own self-care practices.
Grade: K – 9
Audience: Educator, TA/ Assistant/ Support Staff
Category: Health Promotion
Est. Time: 60 – 90 minutes of self-learning at your own pace
Learning Level: Introductory